
Monday, September 17, 2012

Catching Fire

Since I'm still on my Hunger Games High, I read the second book of the series Catching Fire. Catching Fire continues the story of Katniss Everdeen and her family friends and the futuristic world that she lives in. After the Hunger Games ended with Katniss and Peeta winning because they chose to attempt to kill themselves with poisonous berries, the president of the nation, President Snow shows up at her house. Unknown to Katniss at the time, rebellions have broken out in the districts. President Snow makes a deal with Katniss, if she is able to convince him that what she and Peeta chose to do was an act of pure love and not of rebellion, then everything would be forgiven and forgotten. Katniss unknowningly showed the twelve districts that it is possible to stand up to the capitol. She started a fight she had no intentions on starting. So Katniss fixes her relationship with Peeta and puts on her face to show the citizens of Panem, and President that what she did, she did out of pure love. He however is unconvinced. With rebellions breaking out at every angle be it with the actions of one or a group, in order to keep things in order, President Snow decided that the way to "celebrate" the 75th Hunger Games, the tributes would be pulled from a group of the previous Hunger Games winners. This decision was made simply to show that even the strongest citizens in the districts cant over come the power of the capitol. Only three tributes have won the Hunger Games in District 12. Those three are, Peeta Katniss and Haymitch. Ultimately, a decision needs to be made as to who is going to play in the 75th Hunger Games and Katniss and Peeta find themselves in the arena for a second time hoping that they both can survive again. This book is a high. Reading this you feel as if you are Katniss, experiencing everything as she is. The good, the bad and the ugly. You cant help but root for Katniss and feel for her relationship with Peeta. It seems that the faked relationship is becoming more real. Katniss has a lot more to loose now than she did in the first novel. This novel makes you want to rebel just like the citizens of the other districts. It brews in you and causes you to want to fight for what you can see is right. Reading this book, I feel like I've been transported into this futuristic world, hanging on to the pictures symbols and words of these characters. The book is great. I can't possibly rave about the series more. And since I'm cheating I'll let you guys know I've already started the next book Mockingjay. Of the three books thus far I can say The Hungar Games is my favorite. Although Catching Fire is an amazing book it is a slow read and doesnt pick up immediatly. You need to take some time with it. The story is great it just tip toes at the beginning and doesn't pick up until the middle roughly. With the novel being 391 pages it can be slighty challenging to stick with it until it picks up, but trust me its worth it.

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