
Saturday, June 9, 2012

The Books

Books are the only thing in my twenty year old life that I can honestly say have been here since the start. I've always loved reading, so much so that I've read every book in my elementary school library and joined a book club in high school. But as a college student I've been finding it difficult to choose between reading books for enjoyment and grabbing Spark Notes for a safe grade. So since finding a balance has been an issue I had given up my favorite past time and directed all my attention to my to writing extremely long papers on people and things that I'm not interested in. But school is out now and I'm trying to get reacquainted with my oldest and dearest friend. So this summer, I'm going to read. I'm going to read so much, that it makes me sick. I'll be reading books from the New York Times Bestsellers list, books recommended by Oprah, online websites, as well as books recommend by friends, family, and even you guys. And the best thing to do with a book after reading is talking about it.  So I will be reviewing what I read, giving my honest  opinion of the books. My likes, my dislikes, the highs, the lows, good, bad and ugly. From this not only will I have something concrete to do this summer but, it will almost be like the greatest homework assignment ever! Or for me at least.

Here is my plan:
Every Monday I will start a new book. And I will post "the specs" of the book. i.e, title, author, number of pages, how I found out about the book etc. From there, every time I read the book or put it down, I'm going to talk about it, being sure to mention what my thought are of the book so far. Finally at the end of the week, I'll give my opinion of the book without giving away the ending, and say whether or not I'd recommend the book to anyone else and why or why not.

This all seems simple enough but i think my biggest challenge will be balancing this as well as my life, but I'm going to try at it and see what happens. I believe books can be just as much fun as, movies and television and I would love for other people to see that.  After all reading doesn't always have to be fundamental.

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